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‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’: Angelina Pivarnick Reveals Her Truth in New Podcast ‘Um Hello?’ [Exclusive]

<p id=”par-1_70″>The most surprising thing about <em><a href=””>Jersey Shore: Family Vacation</a></em> star Angelina Pivarnick is how she’s painted as one of MTV’s most unforgettable villains, but her heart breaks open when she talks about her family, friends, and four-legged companions. <em>Showbiz Cheat Sheet</em> had the opportunity to meet with Angelina at a New Jersey pet event, where we discussed everything <em>Jersey Shore</em>, her love of animals, and her <a href=”″>new podcast</a>, <em>Um Hello?</em></p>

<h2 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”h-angelina-pivarnick-talks-honest-new-podcast-um-hello”>Angelina Pivarnick talks ‘honest’ new podcast ‘Um, Hello?’ </h2>

<p id=”par-2_39″><em>Jersey Shore: Family Vacation</em> has elevated <a href=”″>Angelina Pivarnick’s public profile</a> to that of a well-known reality star. However, after speaking with her at length, one gets a different perception than how she is edited on the <a href=”″>MTV staple series</a>.</p>

<p id=”par-3_22″>This honesty is what drives her new <em>Um, Hello?</em> podcast. It promises to expose a different side of the reality star. </p>

<p id=”par-4_40″>“The podcast is a safe haven for me,” Angelina reveals. “I really look at it as this is going to be a platform if something is getting misconstrued on the show, and I’m unable to, you know, tell the truth.”</p>

<p id=”par-5_52″>She continued, “And I also want to tell people about my life because I think a lot of people don’t know how much I love animals. [<em>Jersey Shore</em>] only shows a little bit about that. What about my friends and me and how <a href=”″>I want to have a baby</a>? Things like that.”</p>

<p id=”par-6_21″>“I’m not just talking about what I’ve been through. It’s the truth. My truth is what I deal with,” Angelina explains.</p>

<h2 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”h-what-can-fans-expect-from-season-1-of-angelina-pivarnick-s-um-hello-podcast”>What can fans expect from Season 1 of Angelina Pivarnick’s ‘Um, Hello?’ podcast?</h2>

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<p id=”par-7_28″>Further elaborating, Angelina Pivarnick revealed her <em>Um, Hello?</em> podcast will dig deep into her backstory, debunk some longstanding <em>Jersey Shore</em> stories, and first and foremost, interact with listeners.</p>

<p id=”par-8_68″>She shared, “I just feel like there’s a lot of professional stuff that I’ve done that people don’t know about. I was an EMT. And I saw a lot of things I didn’t want to see, but I also saw a lot of babies come into the world. I mean things I have touched about on the show but didn’t go into because [those stories] don’t push ratings.”</p>

<p id=”par-9_28″>According to Angelina, her podcast promises fun episode recaps, motivational stories, and guests personal to her and <em>Jersey Shore</em>. Thus far, Angelina has recorded almost a dozen episodes.</p>

<p id=”par-10_33″>Ironically, she felt most comfortable returning to the studio to record these episodes in Staten Island, New York, where she was raised. “This project lets me go back to my roots,” she laughed.</p>

<h2 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”h-angelina-s-passion-for-animals-inspires-her”>Angelina’s passion for animals inspires her</h2>

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<p id=”par-11_49″>Throughout our discussion, held at a New Jersey adoption event, Angelina, kept one eye on the adoptable dogs, including one adorable tiny white pup with a pink bow in her hair. Her passion for all animals abounds, and she will always use her celebrity to help these voiceless creatures.</p>

<p id=”par-12_28″>Angelina’s appearance helped raise money for local New Jersey animal shelters. When asked why she lent her name to this particular event, Angelina said it was a no-brainer.</p>

<p id=”par-13_18″>“I love animals. Obviously, they don’t have a voice, so I want to give them one,” she revealed.</p>

<p id=”par-14_28″>“And that’s really why I do this. I want to give back as much as I can. Animals are, like I said, voiceless, but they are our families.”</p>

<p id=”par-15_27″>Angelina then revealed she is a proud mother to 10 cats and her dog, Peanut. She also takes care of multiple strays near her New Jersey home.</p>

<p id=”par-16_21″><em>Jersey Shore: Family Vacation</em> airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. on MTV. Angelina Pivarnick’s <em>Um, Hello?</em> podcast is streaming on major platforms.</p>

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