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The Waleses will encourage Charlotte & Louis to avoid becoming ‘working royals’

Last week, the Daily Mail’s Richard Eden had the big exclusive that Prince William 100% supports his father’s efforts to “slim down” the British monarchy. King Charles has long believed that the monarchy needs to support fewer royal cousins and royal-adjacents and that strict “working royal” boundaries must be enforced. This was always contingent on Prince Harry sticking around and Prince William and Kate’s marriage never collapsing. The events of the past six months should have shown Charles and William that their slimmed-down monarchy is pretty sad and threadbare. Instead, William is barreling ahead with a plot to slim the monarchy down even further during his reign (of terror). According to the Daily Beast’s sources, William and Kate plan to encourage Princess Charlotte and Louis to avoid becoming “working royals.” And it’s all about Prince Harry, obviously.

Prince Louis and Princess Charlotte, Prince William’s two younger children, are to be “encouraged to not become working royals” under radical plans to reshape the British monarchy when William and Princess Kate ascend the throne, following the disastrous impact on the family of Prince Harry’s vitriolic exit from royal life. One insider told The Daily Beast: “The working assumption is that the younger two children will get on and do their own thing. They will be encouraged to not become working royals.”

William and Kate’s office did not respond to a request for comment on the bombshell claims made by the insider, a former Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace staffer who keeps in contact with former colleagues. They were speaking after a report in the Daily Mail said William not only agreed with his father King Charles’ drive to slim down the monarchy but would go even further. The report cited a friend as saying: “When the older members of the family retire, (William) won’t be inviting anyone else to become working royals. It remains to be seen if he will even want his two younger children to be working royals.”

The source said of the report, “It’s absolutely true. The option isn’t there for George, of course, but the children have been kept at arm’s length from royal life. They are exposed to the minimum possible publicity, and that is a deliberate strategy to let Charlotte and Louis choose their own destiny.”

A friend of the couple who spoke to The Daily Beast concurred with the report in the Mail saying: “It is no secret that William has been devastated by the destruction of his relationship with Harry. Although he absolutely puts the blame on Meghan and Harry, he does of course also appreciate that the whole system, where one of your kids is less important than the other due to an accident of birth, had a massive part to play in what happened and how it happened.”

“There is an entirely reasonable argument to be made that if you are born into the royal family, the logical thing to do is to leave it. The same logic applies to your kids, he doesn’t want to put them through a human mincer that is going to cause everyone misery. He and Catherine adore the children, and their whole lives are about the children. I think they want to find a practical solution to the ‘spare’ problem that has bedeviled the family for generations.”

Critics, of course, will argue that if the couple don’t want the children to take on formal royal duties, they should stop promoting them, and the royal family should stop using them to market itself….Defenders of the Waleses retort that they would like nothing better than for their children to grow up in total obscurity, but say that’s not realistic, and point out that the carefully staggered release of images of the children has largely achieved its primary goal of destroying the paparazzi market for such pictures.

As another friend of the family told The Daily Beast: “If you look at the spares who have made it work, you only really have Edward and Anne. Margaret’s life was pretty miserable. Harry we know all about. I’m sure William and Catherine don’t want history to repeat itself.”

[From The Daily Beast]

“He does of course also appreciate that the whole system, where one of your kids is less important than the other due to an accident of birth…” Until William comes to terms with the reality of the situation, he’s doomed to repeat it. It’s not that Harry was “less important” than him because of an accident of birth, it’s that Harry was neglected, pushed down, marginalized, denigrated and used as a human shield for his idiotic and lazy older brother. It’s not that Harry was somehow born less “important,” it’s that William smeared and abused his brother and sister-in-law to the point where they had to flee the country. The issue was not “Harry should have never been a working royal, that was the root of the problem!” It sure sounds like William and Kate believe that their kids will get to pick and choose their “working royal” status and probably even be “half-in.” That’s what they’re building up to. Once again, Harry and Meghan came up with a great solution and the Windsors have spent the past four-plus years tying themselves in knots to cry about how half-in royals are never allowed!

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Kensington Palace.

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