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Abandoned theme park closed 8 years ago is reclaimed by nature with eerie photos showing ghostly disused Pleasure Island

EERIE photos of an abandoned theme park have revealed what it looks like eight years on from its closure.

Pleasure Island in Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, closed for the final time in 2016 leaving punters gutted.

Facebook/@PleasureIslandArchivePleasure Island shut 8 years ago and is now abandoned[/caption]

Facebook/@PleasureIslandArchiveWeeds and plants are the only visitors to the former attraction[/caption]

Facebook/@PleasureIslandArchiveThe once thriving theme park has slowly been reclaimed by nature[/caption]

Facebook/@PleasureIslandArchiveThe Lincolnshire venue was hugely popular but suffered from dwindling visitor numbers[/caption]

Facebook/@PleasureIslandArchiveRotting stalls are surrounded by overgrown plants[/caption]

Facebook/@PleasureIslandArchiveThe paint has slowly faded on once popular rides[/caption]

Its rides and rollercoasters were distributed to various other theme parks across the globe, leaving empty spaces where they once stood.

Since its closure, a number of Urban Explorers have ventured on to the site to see how it looks nearly a decade after it shut its doors.

Now, new ghostly images have emerged of the once bustling tourist hotspot.

The pictures were posted to the Pleasure Island Archive Facebook page, which is run by fanatic Alfie Lugsden, who also owns many Pleasure Island props and memorabilia items.

Sadly, many of the original buildings have been damaged over the past few years.

And the haunting pictures show how the abandoned theme park has fallen into disrepair and has been reclaimed by nature.

The cavernous venue has an aura of a bygone era with empty attractions and eerie silence piercing the air.

Many of the buildings’ walls are covered by 10ft high shrubbery.

And the former paths where thousands of people once walked from ride to ride have been taken over by weeds.

Abandoned pathways and entrances are now heavily adorned with dirt and graffiti.

While the colourful stands for popular rides such as the Dodgems are now sadly fading away.

Old kiosks and worn ticket counters are markers belonging to happier times for theme park fans.

Alfie also captured old tickets and flyers littered around the grounds where overgrown weeds have now taken over.

Pleasure Island opened its doors in 1993 and closed after seeing a gradual fall in visitor numbers.

Owner Melanie Wood said it was a “massive struggle” to keep the attraction open.

At the time of its closure, the theme park’s general manager, Neil Ireland said: “It’s hard for me to get my head around.

“I was involved right from the beginning in the decision making, the layout of the park, themes and ride layout.

“It was quite an in-depth role at the time. Seeing the park develop was a rewarding feeling.”

But all is not lost for the once thriving theme park.

Just last month, the BBC reported that the former site has moved closer to becoming a £65million holiday resort.

The redevelopment plans include two hotels, with around 222 rooms and an on-site casino.

There will also be 272 holiday lodges, as well as shops including a Lidl, Costa drive-through and a garden centre.

A private consortium wants to use the land for 272 holiday lodges and two hotels.

Initially, there had been several issues raised regarding the construction of the holiday resort.

One of which was from the Environment Agency (EA) who raised a flooding objection over fears the lodges would become waterlogged.

But the EA has since withdrawn the objection after developers added flood measures to their plan, including not using the holiday homes in winter.

Abandoned theme parks in the UK

HERE are just some of the abandoned theme parks in the UK.

Frontierland, Morecambe

The Lancashire amusement area was left to rot in 2000 and has been an eyesore to townspeople ever since.

The abandoned theme park had a rich history of over 90 years in service, but sadly had to shut down permanently at the beginning of the millennia.

The site lays bare and empty, with the local council now trying to revive it back to its glory days.

Pleasure Island, Cleethorpes

The Lincolnshire park has been shut since 2016.

Dwindling visitor numbers led to the park’s decline and eventual closure with rides being sold off.

The proposed development would also include a coffee drive-through and a cycle-hire building.

The plan was first submitted in late 2022 following the closure of the theme park in 2016, with EA opposing the plans in February 2023.

However, the plan is listed as “pending consideration” on the North East Lincolnshire Council planning portal.

It’s not the only theme park to have such plans, with Camel Creek Adventure Park in Cornwall also launching holiday accommodation after going into administration last year.

Plans revealed earlier this year included caravans, safari tents and glamping pods, as well as amenity blocks with showers and toilets.

The theme park was able to reopen in March with three new attractions, including pirate-themed adventure golf, a 7,000 square foot playground inspired by Merlin the magician and an indoor playground and cafe. 

Facebook/@PleasureIslandArchiveThe eerie photos were taken by an urban explorer[/caption]

Facebook/@PleasureIslandArchiveThe abandoned theme park enjoyed a rich history before its closure[/caption]

Facebook/@PleasureIslandArchiveIt is now dilapidated and overgrown[/caption]

Facebook/@PleasureIslandArchiveIt is an empty shell of its former self[/caption]

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