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Benefits shake-up for millions unveiled in ‘back to work’ manifesto cutting welfare by £12bn a year – are you affected?

BENEFITS claimants who do not try to find work within 12 months could see their handouts stopped under drastic changes pledged by Rishi Sunak.

The PM said today he would dramatically reform the welfare system by helping working-age Brits on benefits get a job.

RexRishi Sunak today pledged a £12bn crackdown on benefits and welfare[/caption]

Launching the Conservative manifesto today, he claimed the reforms – which he has branded a “moral mission” – will cut down on £12 billion a year of waste by the end of the next parliament.

The Tory manifesto, released today, pledges: “We will bring forward the new claimant review point for the long-term unemployed from 18 months to 12 months.

“At the claimant review, Work Coaches will set renewed conditions for claimants.

“If they fail to accept or comply with those conditions, such as refusing a suitable job or mandatory work placement, their claim will be closed and their benefits will stop.”

Mr Sunak’s manifesto includes pledges to

CUT National Insurance by a further 2p by 2027, taking the main rate to 6 per cent

ABOLISH National Insurance entirely for self-employed workers by 2029

PROTECT pensioners from ever paying income tax with a new Triple Lock Plus

GIVE working parents 30 hours a week free childcare by September next year

CREATE a mandatory new form of national service for 18-year-olds

IMPOSE a ban on any new green levies that makes Brits pay for Net Zero

BAN mobile phones in classrooms as well as clamping down on sex education

BOOSTING defence spending to 2.5 per cent of GDP by 2030

SLAP an annual cap on legal migration while pledging immediate Rwanda flights

It adds: “We believe in fairness and the value of hard work.

“Alongside a tax system that rewards work, we want a welfare system which supports everyone to fulfil their potential and live dignified and independent lives.”

It comes after he blasted Labour for previously “parking people on benefits for life”.

It means benefits claimants with moderate illnesses or disabilities who do not engage in the process of finding work can have their payments cut off six months earlier than before.

Writing in The Sun on Sunday, the PM said: “If we don’t have a clear plan to deal with the challenges facing it, there’ll be a huge waste of human potential, an increased benefits bill and higher taxes for you.

“We Conservatives are compassionate and believe that those who really can’t work should be supported.

“During the pandemic we created furlough to save millions of jobs and protect people’s livelihoods.

“For me, it is a moral mission to help as many people as possible back into work.”

Statistics released earlier this year show that the number of those classed as “economically inactive”, meaning they are neither in a job nor looking for one, ballooned to 9.25 million following the pandemic.

Spending on benefits for people signed off work with health conditions is set to bloat from £69billion to £90billion within five years, unless action is taken.

Around half of those signed off have a mental health problem such as anxiety or depression.

The Tories will also splash £700million to create 500,000 slots for therapy treatment by 2030.

Mental health support will be available in every school and treatment for young people will be made available across the country.

There will be tougher sanctions for people who are able to work but refuse to take up suitable jobs, with their benefits removed entirely after a year.

The Department for Work and Pensions, which oversees the benefits system, will get more power to identify and eliminate fraud in a similar way to HMRC fighting tax fraud.

Rules for claiming benefits will also be changed with those with conditions deemed moderate expected to find work.

Family doctors and GPs will also lose responsibility for signing fit-for-work documents with specialists expected to take over.

PARishi Sunak arrives at the Silverstone Circuit in Northamptonshire this morning[/caption]

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