Usa news

By land or sea: “Beer in the Woods” & “It’s Our River Day”

Go & Show this goes by land and sea, well, sorta.

“Beer in the Woods,” the Friends of the Forest Preserves’ annual fun fundraiser, has the local craft beers and ciders, camaraderie and guided walks Saturday, 1-5 p.m., at LaBagh Woods in Chicago. I will miss it this year, but it is a doozy of an event. Information is at

“It’s Our River Day,” Prairie Rivers’ #FloatForAll, highlights and focuses on river access in Illinois on Saturday. More at

Here are some details from Prairie Rivers:

This past session, a bill was introduced to clarify our right to access Illinois’ Rivers. We are hoping to build even more momentum for this bill going into the next legislative session. You can read the bill here.

Interested in joining us for Float for All? Great! Grab a life jacket and head to the river nearest you. We’ll be posting photos from the floats to social media using the  hashtags: #FloatForAll and #ItsOurRiver. 

Please consider also signing/sharing our petition to demand we keep our right to recreate on Illinois rivers.

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