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Don’t put the brollies away just yet with more rain and thunder set to hit UK

Showers are likely today (Picture: Alex Lentati/LNP/Shutterstock)

More rain and thunder is due across the UK as miserable June weather continues.

Despite patches of bright and sunny weather, occasional rain showers are likely, with the heaviest periods hitting this afternoon.

Thankfully temperatures will feel closer to the June average, with the warmest part of the day hitting 19C in London and the south east of England.

The north of England and Scotland will also experience warmer weather compared to the last few weeks, with those in Newcastle and Edinburgh enjoying temperatures of 15C.

Rain swept across the UK yesterday, with Northern Ireland and Wales particuarly drenched.

This month has seen many of us complain about the cold, with thunder and rain only making conditions feel chillier, despite the month of May being the hottest on record.

This is due to a change in the jet stream, which is further south than usual and coming from the northwest.

Both thunder and rain are expected to hit today (Picture: Carla Feric/PA Wire)

As the month of not so summery weather drags on, there may be some more pleasant patches, but the predominant pattern will be ‘cool’ and ‘showery’.

Rebekah Sherwin, deputy chief meteorologist at the Met Office, said: ‘The forecast suggests no strong signal for temperatures to get above average.’

Toward the end of the month, weather signals are too weak to make reliable forecasts according to the long range Met Office forecast.

It wrote: ‘All areas can be expected to see some spells of drier, sunnier weather but there will also be showers or longer spells of rain at times.

This month has been a mixed bag of weather (Picture: AFP)

‘Temperatures are most likely to be close to normal or slightly above.’

The Met Office’s long range forecast say for the rest of the month, we can only look forward to slightly below average temperatures.

They said: ‘Fairly typical conditions for the UK are most probable, with a mixture of weather types.

‘This means some spells of drier, sunny weather but also some showers or longer spells of rain at times. Temperatures will most likely be close to or slightly below average.’

As we move into July, temperatures are set to rise, with all areas of the UK seeing spells of drier and sunnier weather.

But there will still be longer spells of rain, ensuring July also sees a mixture of weather types.

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