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JK Rowling takes shot at Keir Starmer & Labour saying they’ve ‘dismissed women & she’ll struggle to vote for them’

JK ROWLING has slammed Sir Keir Starmer and Labour saying they’ve “dismissed women” – and that she’ll struggle to vote for them.

Beloved Harry Potter author Rowling, 58, has been an outspoken critic of trans zealots and has even dared police to arrest her for her views.

AFPJK Rowling has slammed Sir Keir Starmer and Labour saying they’ve ‘dismissed women’ – and that she’ll struggle to vote for them[/caption]

RexSir Keir made U-turn from his previous belief on Thursday night that it was wrong to say only women could have a cervix[/caption]

Writing in The Times, Rowling said Labour had turned its back on women.

She wrote: “As long as Labour remains dismissive and often offensive towards women fighting to retain the rights their foremothers thought were won for all time, I’ll struggle to support them. The women who wouldn’t wheesht [be quiet] didn’t leave Labour. Labour abandoned them.

“For left-leaning women like us, this isn’t, and never has been, about trans people enjoying the rights of every other citizen, and being free to present and identify however they wish.“

“This is about the right of women and girls to assert their boundaries. It’s about freedom of speech and observable truth. It’s about waiting, with dwindling hope, for the left to wake up to the fact that its lazy embrace of a quasi- religious ideology is having calamitous consequences.”

Her comments come after Labour leader Starmer said on Thursday that he believes “biologically, a woman is with a vagina and a man is with a penis”.

That marks a spectacular U-turn from his previous belief that it was wrong to say only women could have a cervix.

In April, Starmer admitted on Good Morning Britain that he was wrong to criticise former Labour MP Rosie Duffield after she said only women can have a cervix.

Ms Duffield was hounded by trans bullies for her comments.

Sir Keir admitted at the time: “There’s a distinction between sex and gender.

He added: “The Labour Party has championed women’s rights for a very long time.”

During his appearance on Question Time, Sir Keir also dodged key questions on immigration and housing issues as he was grilled by members of the public.

The BBC Question Time special also featured Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey and Scotland‘s First Minister John Swinney for the SNP, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak up last.

The Labour leader would not reveal a number target by which his party would reduce net migration.

“Every single politician who has put a number on it has never met that number,” he told the audience.

Sir Keir added: “We want to get it down significantly. It needs to be balanced immigration so it works for our economy and works for our country.

“We need to get it down, but if we are going to do that, we need to understand what the problem is.”

Labour’s ‘gender affirming care’

Comment by Julie Bindel

It is beyond belief that Labour now plans to make it easier than ever to access treatment, euphemistically known as “gender affirming care”, by allowing a single family GP to rubber-stamp the gender recognition process.

Currently, a panel of doctors and lawyers have to sign off gender recognition certificates so that the individual can be legally recognised as the opposite sex to all intents and purposes.

You don’t even need a GRC to change a driving licence or passport.

It beggars belief that a family GP — who may be in the grip of transgender ideology, or could live in fear of being deemed “transphobic” by colleagues or some patients — could single-handedly endorse a legal sex change.

A condition as complex as so-called gender dysphoria is not something GPs are qualified to deal with.

Any future government must consider whether or not the notions of living in the wrong body, and the availability of sex change treatment, should be entertained at all.

Now the myth that withholding treatment including puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgery from a young person or adult can lead to suicide attempts has been thoroughly debunked, everyone can see that it is as pernicious as it is untrue.

One thing that last month’s Cass Review made clear is that there is a case to be made for the diagnosis of gender dysphoria to be much stricter, more specialised, and objective.

Why, then, is Labour doing precisely the opposite by promoting a policy that would make the transition process even easier than it already is?

As a lifelong Labour voter, my worry is that if even the Cass Review hasn’t forced party leaders into a massive retreat on what has been exposed as one of the greatest medical scandals of modern times, I don’t know what will.

If Labour can be as stupid on this issue as it has been, it can be similarly stupid on other crucial matters.

If the party is to earn the trust of the electorate, it must roll back on this ridiculous plan.

He pointed to training more people in various skills as one means of reducing net migration.

Sir Keir also ducked a volley of questions over whether he truly believed his predecessor would make a “great” prime minister.

Moderator Fiona Bruce repeatedly asked challenged him over his one-time statement on Jeremy Corbyn.

He insisted: “It wasn’t a question that really arose because I didn’t think we were going to win the election.”

Starmer also pledged to push ahead with removing tax breaks for private schools to pay for more teachers in the state system.

Sir Keir vowed to clear the backlog of NHS waiting lists completely by the end of first term of a Labour government and said he would make a start on cutting waiting lists straightaway.

Pressed on when the public could expect them to come down to a reasonable level, he said: “We will be able to do two million a year on this model.

“That means that over the course of the Parliament, we’ll get it down and clear the backlog completely.”

GettySir Keir Starmer dodged key questions as he was grilled by members of the public[/caption]

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