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Keir Starmer is a Tony Blair tribute act with coiffed hair & incessant hand waving… but isn’t he boring?

KEIR Starmer is meant to be on the cusp of an eye popping victory.

The biggest in 100 years!

GettyKeir Starmer at a Sky News event in Grimsby[/caption]

Tony Blair during his time as PM in 2003AFP

But whisper it – isn’t he a bit boring snoring?

He is no Tony Blair, his Tory critics repeatedly say.

Well last night he tried to silence them – by doing his own Tony Blair tribute act.

He came out on stage with his silver locks perfectly coiffed, and those famous Blairite mannerisms perfectly honed.

Sky News’ Beth Rigby came out like a bulldozer, trying to steamroller him into admitting he was a flip flopper.

But Keir looked directly at the audience and insisted he was motivated by a deep sense of “public service”.

Then came the famous Tony Blair hand waving.

Not that aggressive finger pointing of a less polished politician.

But the thumb-down, empathetic gesticulating of the 1990s. It was dubbed the “Clinton thumb” in America.

At one point he told the great people of Grimsby that he really wanted to listen to them – and tugged on his actual ears for emphasis.

No knockout blows… but plenty punches landed

Analysis by Harry Cole:

No knock out blows for either leader, but plenty of punches landed by the crowd and the presenter.

Starmer did better than BBC outing, but Sunak desperately needs to perk up despite his rough few days.

Easily the TV event of the campaign, so far… But not the last time these two will be grilled.

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At times Keir squirmed.

Most notably when Beth threw a triple jab – bashing him on backing Jeremy Corbyn, ditching his lefty policies and dodging questions on tax.

But his performance was more polished than previous ones.

Next up came Rishi Sunak who got a rougher ride.

Adopting his most contrite tones, he admitted the past 18 months “hasn’t been easy” and apologised for ducking out of the D-Day commemorations early.

But he was hammered by various furious audience members over their sky high taxes, national service and partygate.

The PM insisted it wasn’t all bad – inflation has finally come down to the 2 per cent target.

But even that sparked fury and fury from the audience with one member heckling him for not understanding the cost of living crisis.

Poor guy, he just can’t catch a break.

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