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Nigel Farage’s party to promise tax cuts for white van man as they brand Labour a caffe latte party

REFORM Party chiefs are promising tax cuts for white van man – as they accuse Labour a of being a “caffe latte party”.

Nigel Farage’s squad will announce a slew of tax cuts at the launch for their blueprint for power on Monday.

AlamyRichard Tice and Nigel Farage on the election campaign trail[/caption]

Reform Party candidate Richard Tice said: “Reform is the real party of the workers, who have been abandoned by ‘cafe latte’ Labour.”

Reform UK will promise to abolish IR35 – laws which critics say force self employed tradesmen like plumbers and electricians to pay too much tax.

The threshold at which you have to register for VAT will be lifted to £150,000 to free small businesses from red tape.

Corporation tax will also be cut from 25 per cent to 15 per cent over three years.

And people will only have to start paying income tax at £20,000, not the current threshold of £12,750.

Reform have enjoyed a huge surge in the polls after Mr Farage’s bombshell political comeback.

A shock YouGov survey out earlier this week put them ahead of the Tories for the first time.

They want to get a whopping six million votes in the election.
Party insiders said they reckon they can get up to six parliamentary seats.

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