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Parts of England may be submerged as heavy rain sparks flood alerts

Rising river levels could lead to local flooding during the heavy rain (Picture: Amer Ghazzal/Shutterstock)

Parts of England may face flooding today as heavy rains batter the northeast today.

Sunday saw parts of the country soaked in rain while others basked in the sun.

This ‘unsettled’ picture continues today as showers raise river levels in some parts of the country, according to the Met Office.

Flooding may affect ‘land, roads and some properties’, possibly disrupting travel, in parts of the northeast of England, where showers will be heaviest.

It has issued new flood alerts around the River Rye and Holbeck in North Yorkshire.

The agency said: ‘Levels are currently low and if they do rise to levels where localised flooding occurs it is expected to be a short duration and should be falling again by mid-morning [Monday].

‘Avoid using low lying land and footpaths near local watercourses.’

It added: ‘Do not attempt to walk or drive through flood water.’

Different parts of the UK will have wildly different weather today (Picture: Met Office)

Most other parts of the country will stay ‘largely dry compared to the weekend’, with just a small chance of rain in the southeast, according to the Met Office.

London is expected to experience highs of 22°C, while further north in Manchester is 17°C, Belfast is 16°C and the north of Scotland is just 13°C.

Honor Criswick, a meteorologist at the Met Office, said: ‘The driest of the weather is going to be across south parts of Wales, central and southern England.

‘That’s where we’ll see plenty of clear spells overnight and may even start to see some mist and fog develop by the time we reach the morning.’

She added: ‘As we head through into Monday, it’s generally going to be quite an unsettled picture.

‘Plenty of sunny spells and showers developing across most of the north of the country.

‘And in the northeast, these showers could be heavy at times. You may even hear the odd rumble of thunder.

‘The driest and brightest of the weather is going to be across the far south and southeast, and that’s where we’ll see the best of the temperatures too.

‘Highs of around 22, maybe 23°C, where we see that sunshine poke through the cloud.’

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