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Tsunami warning and fears of 10ft waves after powerful earthquake in Peru

A tsunami warning was issued in Peru (Picture: HBA Noticias/

A tsunami alert was issued after a powerful 7.2-magnitude earthquake stuck off the coast of Peru.

The huge tremor happened out to sea around five miles from the Atiquipa district in the south west of the South American country.

There were fears of 10ft waves hitting some coastal areas after the warning was issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC).

Experts have since downgraded the alert but are still expecting huge waves to crash into coastal areas, around 600 miles south of the capital of Lima.

Affected towns were badly shaken and property has suffered significant damage in the Yauca district, around 19 miles north of Atiquipa.

The earthquake struck off the south-west cost of Peru (Picture:

Property in the Yauca district, around 19 miles north of Atiquipa, have been damaged (Picture: HBA Noticias)

The quake was also felt as far as the capital with video footage shared on social media showing lamps swaying inside houses in Lima.

‘Hazardous tsunami waves are forecast for some coasts,’ the PTWC said earlier, and added that waves could reach ‘one to three metres’.

The US national tsunami warning centre said the threat from the sea is no longer as serious as initially feared.

The Presidency of Peru said on X: ‘Given the earthquake that occurred today in Yauca, Caravelí – Arequipa, from the executive, together with @indeciperu and the responsible ministries, we are carrying out the corresponding monitoring to evaluate the damage and determine the actions to be taken.’

This is a developing news story, more to follow soon… Check back shortly for further updates.

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