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VTA General Manager Carolyn Gonot has been a boon for the VTA: Letter to the editor

Re: “VTA needs new leader after BART debacles” (Page A8, June 9).

This editorial continues to ignore the causes of cost increases for BART Silicon Valley, much of which is a national trend, not necessarily VTA’s fault. The NHCCI, a construction cost index from the FHWA, shows nationwide transportation infrastructure costs rose 60% between Q2 2020 and Q3 2023. VTA’s cost is slightly above that, which is concerning, but they don’t control the economy or national cost trends.

Carolyn Gonot has been an incredible advocate at VTA for increased service, more effective community outreach and establishing a badly needed vision for the future. Yes, VTA has had transparency issues and should be criticized for them, but Gonot has consistently supported board efforts for increased transparency.

Gonot is also not the sole voice at VTA. She is the captain of a team, not the entire agency.

This editorial is misleading to the public and frustrating to those who understand the context.

Harry NeilSan Jose

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