Cat Deeley blasted for ‘making light of epilepsy’ with shocking This Morning comment

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Cat Deeley has come under fire for appearing to make light of epilepsy with a comment on This Morning.

The ITV presenter joined Ben Shephard on Monday’s programme and after a break welcomed viewers back to the show.

At the time, she’d been bopping along to Meghan Trainor, as All About That Base sounded throughout the studio.

As Ben looked over at her, she replied: ‘Nothing to see here.’

‘You alright?’ he then questioned as her dancing continued, to which she said: ‘Yes, I’m fine, just having a seizure.’

She moved straight on to saying ‘Welcome back’ and introducing the next segment on the show, an interview with Lips Are Movin hitmaker Meghan.

‘See, she’s doing it too,’ Cat, 47, added as Meghan was filmed dancing along to the tune from her seat.

Her comment has sparked immense outrage from viewers and from charity Epilepsy Society.

Cat Deeley has sparked outrage after saying she was ‘having a seizure’ (Picture: Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterstock)

They wrote on X: ‘Seizures are no laughing matter for people with #epilepsy @catdeeley. Please do better and educated yourselves about this difficult and poorly understood condition, @thismorning.’

‘This is heartbreaking to see do know there are many types of seizures and to see you mocking people who have them is very upsetting. I have nearly lost my child a few times to seizures and is extremely poorly. Maybe you should do a story on epilepsy to see what goes on,’ viewer Emma replied.

‘Unbelievable,’ Karl said, while Lauren wrote: ‘I’m an epileptic and this is so awful to see…’

Cat made the shocking comment on Monday’s This Morning (Picture: Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterstock)

Regina blasted: ‘Absolute shame on you @catdeeley and @thismorning totally appalling in 2024 to be cracking jokes at the disabled. @Ofcom @ITV.’

Lou said: ‘Wow @catdeeley @thismorning choose your words more wisely!! You really think seizures are funny!? What a stupid thing to say and then snigger at! #thismorning#pathetic.’

‘Wow!!! @catdeeley dancing and saying she is having a seizure! Is she for real! @thismorning she needs a telling off and as someone with epilepsy I await her apology! #thismorning epilepsy isn’t a joke and shouldn’t be treated as one!’ Michelle blasted.

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the brain and causes seizures, which can lead to possible symptoms that range from uncontrollable jerking and shaking, to strange sensations and tingling feelings, to collapsing.

Some people live with epilepsy for their entire lives, and the seizures can take a long time to become controlled or they may not be able to respond to treatment.

Following their initial comment on X, Epilepsy Society posted their simple first aid advice: Calm, Cushion, Call.

‘If you’re going to talk about seizures, it’d be more helpful to share our simple first aid advice, Calm, Cushion, Call,’ they said, highlighting how people should: ‘Stay calm and take control of the situation, Cushion their head with something soft, Call for an ambulance.’

In a statement sent to, Epilepsy Society’s Chief Executive, Clare Pelham, said: ‘At the Epilepsy Society we do not wish to become some sort of grim “thought police” patrolling the borders of acceptable language. We understand that all of us – even professional broadcasters – make impromptu remarks that we regret. And we are sure that Cat did not intend to be unkind.

Cat was urged to ‘make amends’ (Picture: Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterstock)

‘But one of the biggest challenges that the 1 in 100 people with epilepsy face is everyday stigma. People literally walking by on the other side of the road when they see us having a seizure. Or worse, sometimes shouting abuse.

‘Many of them have been in touch with us to say how disappointed they were that This Morning did not do better to show leadership by raising awareness of our poorly understood condition.

‘We would love to see Cat make amends by taking 3 minutes to explain seizure first aid to This Morning viewers. It’s really simple: Calm, Cushion, Call.

‘Now that would be something to dance about!’ has approached Cat Deeley’s reps and This Morning for comment.

This Morning airs weekdays from 10am on ITV1.

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