Prince Andrew is ‘depressed’ about ‘A Very Royal Scandal’ & his family is anxious

Back in April, Netflix released Scoop, a “behind the scenes” dramatization of how the BBC got and then handled their huge Prince Andrew interview in 2019. It was based on BBC producer Sam McAlister’s book. Now Amazon Prime has released A Very Royal Scandal, a three-part series and a similar dramatization, this one based on Emily Maitlis’s book. Everyone involved with the interview is treating it like the biggest moment of their careers, which, fair enough, but imagine if BBC journalists treated all of the Windsors like that instead of acting as stenographers to power. In any case, this is all more bad news for Prince Andrew. Apparently, he’s quite depressed these days.

A friend of Prince Andrew’s has told the Daily Beast that he is “depressed” ahead of a new three-part film, A Very Royal Scandal, about his downfall due to stream on Amazon from Thursday this week.

Andrew’s friend told the Daily Beast: “He is depressed and Sarah and the kids are anxious about this show. You have to remember that he absolutely insists he has no memory of ever meeting Giuffre and denies having sex with her. He has never been found guilty of anything. He knows he f—ed up and he has taken his punishment. He has given up his HRH, his military titles, his role in public life without complaint. I think he sometimes just wonders how long the punishment will go on for.”

On the subject of why his children were anxious, the friend said: “Put yourself in their shoes. This film is going to traduce their father and if they say anything to defend him it will just make it worse.”

A friend of Princess Beatrice told The Daily Beast: “There is nothing good you can say about it all. It’s ghastly for all of them. The girls are just getting on with their lives.”

However, a former Buckingham Palace staffer who previously worked for Andrew said that current and former palace employees who had to “put up with Andrew’s petulant, rude and inconsiderate behavior” when he was a working royal were “thrilled and brimming with schadenfreude” at reports suggesting Andrew will be portrayed as a foul-mouthed, disrespectful bully.

Referring to the fact that Andrew’s downfall has already been the subject of one show, Scoop!—which was screened by Netflix and had Rufus Sewell in the Andrew role—the former staffer added, “Some people thought he got off lightly last time but it seems Amazon have nailed him this time round.”

Some previews of the three-part series have already been published after the first episode was screened to journalists in London at the weekend. Critics noted that Sheen depicts Andrew as rude, aggressive, and defensive. The portrayal reportedly emphasizes Andrew’s lack of self-awareness about the gravity of the situation and his misguided attempts to defend himself.

[From The Daily Beast]

Current and former palace employees who had to “put up with Andrew’s petulant, rude and inconsiderate behavior” when he was a working royal were “thrilled and brimming with schadenfreude.” I believe it, because I believe palace employees really are that dumb. Most people know that Andrew is very much part of the monarchy. As much as King Charles wants to isolate Andrew, he’s still sleazing up royal Christmas at Sandringham. He was still leading the royal pack at King Constantine’s memorial in Windsor. He’s still living in a huge mansion on the Windsor estate. “Palace employees” don’t realize that most people think Andrew and his long history of despicable behavior reflects poorly on the entire institution, not just Andrew himself.

As for Andrew’s depression and his daughters feeling some kind of way about all of this… Beatrice was right there in the negotiations with the BBC. She was all for the interview… until she wasn’t.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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