Prince William was a big-boy global statesman for the Japanese state visit

There was some chatter last week about the Princess of Wales possibly coming out for the first day of the state visit by Japan’s Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako. Kate did not come out. I wasn’t really expecting her to, although I wonder if she would have liked getting dolled up and wearing a tiara. Can’t be too eager about it though. So, Prince William was left to do the heavy lifting of global statesmanship all by himself. He’s a big-boy international statesman now, which is why his father sent him to the emperor and empress’s London hotel to greet them before the ceremonial greeting at Buckingham Palace. People Magazine referred to his hotel-greeting as “a major role” in the state visit. LOL.

For state visits, there’s often an offer of “riding around in a carriage,” I think part of the troop inspection?? I’ll admit, I’m bullsh-tting my way through some of these conversations about palace ceremonies and royal diplomacy and what have you. Suffice to say, William was also called on to ride around in a carriage, and he had to make small talk with Hirofumi Nakasone, who is Member of the House of Councillors of Japan. There are photos of William pointing at things and photos of William looking bored. Mr. Nakasone gives some excellent side-eye and I can sense how he really feels about being assigned Huevo.

Can someone tell the big-boy global statesman to work on his body language? I thought his “hands tightly clasped in front of his groin” pose was awkward, but check out the appearance of his other favorite pose, “shoulders slumped, pissy expression, with fists of rage at the ready.”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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