Ben Carson “Dropping Red Pills” With His Wife Candy — “War on the American Family”

Retired surgeon Ben Carson, who ran against Donald Trump in the 2016 GOP presidential race and later became Trump’s HUD Secretary, is promoting his book, The Perilous Fight: Overcoming Our Culture’s War on the American Family. The book, which he co-wrote with his wife Candy Carson, has been released by Christian publisher Zondervan Books and proposes a “return to the biblical values our nation was founded upon, especially the vital importance of the family.”

As seen in the interview below, Carson refers to the ’45 goals of communism’ which were outlined in the 1958 anti-communist book The Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skousen.

One of the goals listed in the Communist plot presented in the book is to present homosexuality (or as Carson refers to it, “sexual perversion”) as “normal, natural & healthy.” Carson claims the Democratic Party has achieved many of the 45 goals.

Ben Carson is Dropping Redpills…
The 45 Goals of Communism in America — It’s Happening as we Speak

“Those who want to change us into a Marxist or communist country, they don’t care whether you’re democrat or Republican…”

Read into the Congressional Record of 1963, The 45…

— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) June 24, 2024

Social media influencer MJ Truth — who is hoping Carson is selected as Trump’s 2024 VP pick — is amplifying the Carson interview above with the tagline, “Ben Carson is Dropping Redpills.”

Note: The author of The Naked Communist, Skousen, was fired in 1960 from his job as Chief of Police by the Mayor of Salt Lake City (J. Bracken Lee), who — as Salon reports –accused Skousen of running his office “in exactly the same manner in which the Communists operate their government” — including raiding private clubs — and called Skousen “a master of half-truths. In at least three instances I have proven him to be a liar. He is a very dangerous man [and] one of the greatest spenders of public funds of anyone who ever served in any capacity in Salt Lake City government.”

[NOTE: Skousen was also kicked out of the ultraconservative American Security Council because they felt he had “gone off the deep end.” The former Police Chief proposed eliminating the federal income tax, an idea Trump has been shopping around recently on Capitol Hill.]

Carson’s The Perilous Fight has won the praise of fellow far-right conservative MAGA supporters including RNC co-chair Lara Trump, Tucker Carson, Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and Pastor Tony Perkins.

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