Crackpot Putin crony reveals plan to build Buckingham Palace replica in Arctic before NUKING it in warning to the West

A WICKED Putin crony has unveiled his bizarre plans to duplicate Buckingham Palace, only to blow it up with nuclear missiles in a warning to the West.

The unhinged plan to build plywood replicas in the Arctic was hatched by Russian propagandist Alexei Mikhailov, in response to Britain arming Ukraine.

A top Putin crony plans to build a plywood version of British symbols before nuking them in a bid to discourage British support for UkraineGetty

Big Ben also appears to be a target of the sick plans which Mikhailov wants to broadcast on YouTubeAFP

Mikhailov also wants to mock up Big Ben and the White House before nuking them in the absurd attempt to discourage the West’s support for Ukraine.

The Head of the Bureau of Political-Military Analysis revealed his evil plot on Russian state TV and his sick plan to stream the act to billions.

He demands that the London and Washington recreations are erected on arctic archipelago Novaya Zemlya – notoriously used by the Soviet Union for atomic tests.

The Kremlin would then deploy nuclear missiles to blast the plywood cities in a warning to the West to stop pledging allegiance to Ukraine.

They would use a submarine to launch a Bulava missile into the Atlantic towards Novaya Zemlya, before showcasing the hostility to millions in a crass display on YouTube.

The enraged propagandist told Russian state-controlled TV: “The Anglo-Saxons want a big continental war – they really do.

“We know about the absolutely disgusting intentions of Britain to directly participate in the military conflict with Russia by supplying, among other things, long-range precision weapons.”

The harebrained scheme is to “build a replica of London on Novaya Zemlya and Washington, the centre….the White House, this central part.

“And we’re going to do an exercise.”

The plywood Washington and London would be hit with “more than 150 kilotons of TNT equivalent”, hoping to serve as a warning to force Western governments to stop arming Ukraine and hand victory to Russia.

Is the world on brink of WW3?

WHILE the world is facing numerous geopolitical tensions, the idea that we are on the brink of World War III is a complex and often debated topic.

Here are some of the several factors that can contribute to this perception:

Global Power Shifts: The rise of China, the assertiveness of Russia, and the responses of the U.S. and its allies have created significant tensions. The conflict in Ukraine, particularly Russia’s invasion, has heightened fears of a broader confrontation between NATO and Russia.

Regional Conflicts: Ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, particularly involving Iran and its adversaries, North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, and territorial disputes in the South China Sea, have all contributed to instability.

Economic and Cyber Warfare: Increasingly, conflicts are not just fought with conventional weapons but through economic sanctions, cyber-attacks, and disinformation campaigns. These non-military tactics can still escalate into more serious confrontations.

Nuclear Proliferation: The existence and potential use of nuclear weapons by major powers add a layer of risk, as any significant military conflict among nuclear-armed states carries the potential for catastrophic escalation.

While these tensions are real and concerning, it is important to note that there are also significant efforts at diplomacy and conflict prevention.

World leaders and international organisations like the United Nations continue to work towards de-escalation and conflict resolution.

The concept of “mutually assured destruction” also serves as a deterrent against full-scale war among major powers.

So, while the risk of conflict is higher than in previous decades, the situation does not necessarily mean the world is on the brink of World War III.

The outcome will depend heavily on the actions of world leaders and their ability to manage these complex relationships.

“On YouTube we will let three billion YouTube users see what it looks like to destroy the capital of Britain and the United States, with just one warhead out of 10 that are part of each Bulava.”

But TV host Vladimir Solovyov suggested Russia had no time to build the plywood cities.

However the loyal Putin crony insisted: “Thousands of migrants, who now do not want to leave our country, will erect the City Centre out of plywood.”

An excited Mikhailov explained: “Buckingham Palace and Big Ben will go up in blue flames and fly so beautifully that the world will be horrified.”

The new submarine-launched Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile went into service earlier this year.

The 40ft rocket, with an estimated 5,160 mile range, can carry six to ten individually guided nuclear warheads which can strike multiple targets.

It is seen as the cornerstone in the naval part of Russia’s land-sea-air nuclear triad.

Novaya Zemlya is notorious for its role as a Soviet nuclear test site in the Cold War.

The Tsar Bomba – the most powerful nuclear bomb ever detonated – was tested on October 30, 1961.

The explosion was so large that it caused shockwaves that circled the Earth multiple times, and its mushroom cloud reached more than 37 miles into the sky.

ReutersThe warped plot also involves building an imitation White House to threaten Washington into abandoning their support for Ukraine[/caption]

ReutersA Putin crony announced his plans to recreate and decimate powerful Western symbols[/caption]

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