Daily horoscope for Dec. 28, 2024

Moon Alert: There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Sagittarius.

Happy Birthday for Saturday, Dec. 28, 2024:

You’re charming, thoughtful and genuinely interested in people. You expect the best of others. This has been a fun-loving year! The key to next year will be simplicity as you take charge of your health and work to build structure in your life, internally and externally.


(March 21-April 19)
Travel plans or opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law might be stymied today because of some kind of behind-the-scenes ruling or an opposition to you. All you know is it’s difficult to push ideas through that relate to these areas. Keep dog paddling. Tonight: Explore!


(April 20-May 20)
You might be disappointed with your fair share of something. Or alternatively, you might feel you have to pick up most of the tab or the greater cost of something. (“It ain’t fair.”) A rude awakening about credit cards and bills that are due might be too sobering to talk about. Tonight: Check your finances.


(May 21-June 20)
Discussions with partners, spouses, parents and authority figures in general will be strained today. Use this as an opportunity to demonstrate grace under pressure. Avoid harsh criticism, but take time for self-reflection. Be friendly and keep the peace. Tonight: Cooperate.


(June 21-July 22)
Bosses and supervisors might be difficult to deal with at work today. Likewise, people related to health care or even your pet might be critical or discouraging. Take the high road. If you get involved in a dispute, it will drain your own energy. Stay chill. Tonight: Get organized.


(July 23-Aug. 22)
Romance will suffer from tension and criticism today. (You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.) But what’s the upside? Do you respond in kind? Do you escalate things? Be mature and be gracious. This is just a brief dark cloud on your horizon. Likewise, be patient with kids. Tonight: Relax.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Relationships with family members are strained today. Knowing this, what’s the best way to handle it? Do you add fuel to the flame? Set boundaries and, at the same time, be forgiving and understanding. Use this as an opportunity to rethink how to deal with others in the future. (“I’m outta here.”) Tonight: Cocoon.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Think twice before you respond to others today, because this is the kind of day where things look and feel worse than they really are. Furthermore, you like peaceful surroundings. You like your life to be harmonious. Therefore, resist the urge to jump into the fray. Mums the word. Tonight: Observe and learn.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Financial matters might create a strain on your relations with your kids, as well as your relations with a romantic partner. You might have concerns about the division of labor or shared costs. Express what bothers you in clear, calm terms in a quiet way. Remember your objective. Tonight: Check your possessions.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today the Moon is in your sign at odds with stern Saturn, which will likely make you feel emotionally intense or that you have increased burdens and obligations to face. This could make you feel resentful. However, be aware that this is a brief squeeze play. (Don’t make a big deal out of things.) Tonight: You win!


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
This is the classic day to feel self-doubt or guilt about something. Maybe it’s a reaction to some perceived criticism. (You value your reputation.) In all likelihood, some of your concerns are self-created. Relax. These feelings will be gone in 48 hours. Tonight: Solitude.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
You value your friends; however, today you feel some emotional tension with others. You might even feel lonely or unsupported by someone, which hurts your feelings. Accept the fact that today many people feel their interactions with others are strained. Relax. Tonight: Socialize.


(Feb. 19-March 20)
Don’t let bosses, parents or authority figures make you feel discouraged or unhappy today because they criticize you or ignore you. This is the classic day for misunderstandings, especially with authority figures. Fortunately, this is a brief influence. Hang in there. Tonight: Show respect.

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Actor Denzel Washington (1954), singer, actor John Legend (1978), TV host Seth Meyers (1973)

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