Donald Trump’s Son Knocks VP Nikki Haley Rumor, “A Wonderful Choice”

The Republican National Convention, which is taking place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is scheduled to begin July 15, four days after the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee, former president Donald Trump, will be sentenced in a Manhattan court after he was found guilty on 34 felony counts for falsifying documents to cover up payments to Stormy Daniels and to influence the 2016 presidential election.

Trump will likely announce his pick for vice presidential running mate either before or at the convention. The three top contenders are reportedly Senator JD Vance of Ohio, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, and Senator Mark Rubio of Florida.

Former Fox News conservative political pundit Mark Levin reported today on social media that there’s a “huge last minute, desperate push behind the scenes by wealthy GOP donors and RINO corporate media for President Trump to choose Nikki Haley for VP running mate.”

[Note: Haley voters continued to show up after she dropped out of the presidential race, sometimes giving her 20 percent of a state’s Republican primary votes in a show of force taken as a warning by pragmatic Republicans worried about Trump’s viability with non-MAGA centrist Republicans and undecideds.]

Nikki Haley, who served as the puppet of Democrat billionaires and warmongerers, would be a wonderful choice is my dad wants to get impeached within about 7 seconds of being sworn in. She’s they’re last hope!

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) June 26, 2024

The presumptive GOP nominee’s son, Donald Trump, Jr., responded to Levin: “Nikki Haley, who served as the puppet of Democrat billionaires and warmongerers [sic], would be a wonderful choice is [sic] my dad wants to get impeached within about 7 seconds of being sworn in. She’s they’re [sic] last hope!”

Note: Before suspending her Republican presidential campaign, Haley said in February: “There is no way that the American people are going to vote for a convicted criminal.” In May, she announced that she will vote for Trump in November.

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