Ford Heights Mayor Charles Griffin guilty of stealing from the Chicago suburb

Ford Heights Mayor Charles Griffin was found guilty Monday of stealing from the small south suburb six years after he was charged.

Cook County Judge James Obbish, hearing the case without a ury, said the prosecution had provided a “mountain of evidence” showing Griffin used more than $10,000 from the suburb’s coffers between 2015 and 2017 for “his own personal and economic benefit.”

The number was far smaller than the nearly $150,000 Griffin initially was accused of stealing.

Griffin spent thousands of dollars on a debit card he had in his name and tried to hide those expenses from Ford Heights officials and residents by sending statements to his home, Obbish said in delivering his decision.

During earlier testimony, a witness who worked for Ford Heights and had a romantic relationship with Griffin said statements were sent to the home to avoid possible theft. Obbish called that explanation “laughable.”

“We were disappointed, but we respect the court’s verdict, and we will go forward step by step,” Griffin’s lawyer Phillip Turner said.

Griffin was found guilty of official misconduct and theft of more than $10,000 and less than $150,000.

“The prosecution was pushing for it to be over 100,000, and the judge specifically found that it was less than 100,000,” Turner said. “Which, as you can imagine, makes a significant difference.”

Griffin was mayor of Ford Heights from 2009 to 2017, when he was defeated by Annie Coulter. After taking office, Coulter found financial irregularities and “made a report” that “prompted the investigation,” records show.

Griffin who was charged in 2018, ran for mayor again in 2021 and won. He may have to leave the position under state law that bars felons in many cases from serving in public office.

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