Horrifying video shows chaotic scene after four US Cornell College teachers ‘brutally’ stabbed in busy Chinese park

FOUR American teachers have been stabbed in China.

Horror pictures showed two men and a woman lying on the floor in a park in the northeast of the country following Monday’s attack.

Four US teachers have been stabbed in ChinaCBS News

None of the victims suffered critical injuriesCBS News

It has since emerged the instructors were from Cornell College in Iowa and were attacked while visiting a temple in Jilin, per CBS News.

Cornell College has a partnership with Beihua University.

The victims were rushed to the hospital and didn’t suffer critical injuries.

David Zabner, the brother of Rep. Adam Zabner, was attacked.

“I spoke to David a few minutes ago, he is recovering from his injuries and doing well,” Zabner posted on Instagram.

Zabner confirmed his sibling hasn’t yet been released from the hospital.

Officials have claimed the attack was an isolated incident.

The motive behind the attack remains unknown.

The attack happened on what was a public holiday in China, according to local officials.

Lawmakers have been left horrified by the attack.

“Horrified that multiple Cornell College faculty members were brutally stabbed in China,” Congressman Ashley Hinson said.

“My team has been in communication with Cornell College & will do everything in our power to bring these Iowans home safely.”

No exchange students were caught up in the attack.

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds has urged for the victims to be brought back safely.


US officials in the State Department have also launched a probe into the attack.

Chinese officials have stressed the attack won’t impact exchange relations between the two universities.

The partnership between Cornell College and Beihua University was launched in 2018.

Officials provide funding that allows American lecturers and professors to teach computer science and physics for two weeks.

Cornell chiefs gushed about how the partnership opens up connections with international universities.

“For Beihua, they can attract more students because there are prestige factors to being associated with a nationally-recognized American college,” Joe Dieker, the dean of Cornell College, said.

The attack happened while the instructors were visiting a templeGetty

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