How do you feel about politics these days? Here’s what you told us

How are you feeling about politics these days? We asked Chicago Sun-Times readers that. We heard a lot of dissatisfaction and some dreams for how things could be better. Here’s a sampling of what we heard, lightly edited for clarity.

“Politics today has become more about the political figurehead and their personality instead of their plans to address current needs and articulate the road map for our future.”

— Randy Wooding, 43, Bronzeville

“We need a leader in the U.S. to unite this country. Not a Republican or a Democrat — A LEADER! Both parties are too busy bashing the other.”

— Julie Gottlieb

“I used to stay away from all things political, but now I understand: A distaste for it is what our wannabe oppressors want. I’m staying engaged and involved even after Trump is gone.”

— Earl Watkins

“This one-and-a-half-party system is critically broken, and there seems to be little energy devoted to fixing it. In the name of oligarchy, kleptocracy and capitalism, our democratic republic seems to have been forgotten.”

— Thomas Hochman

“Politics is supposed to reflect the will of the people, not just the wealthy.”

— Paul Henry

“I’m over it. I’m still going to vote, but it will never make a meaningful difference. We’re just going to argue about the same old social issues while billionaires pave the way to become trillionaires.”

— Julien Christopher Smasal

“Depressed but getting better because of Kamala Harris. I felt mostly grim because it looked like Trump and his authoritarian/totalitarian/fascist policies would win.”

— Craig Barner

“We should look at the British model for campaigning. Campaign season shouldn’t be two years. Six weeks is more than enough time to acquaint yourself with the voters. Far too much money is spent.”

— Christopher Rosecrants, 66, St. Charles

“We seem to teach rights, but we don’t teach how to use our rights responsibility. Teaching rights without responsibility fosters a generation who think they are entitled.”

— Jolly Genet

“I wish integrity and a candidate‘s character were considered. I’d like each to be a person who sets a good example for our youth. One party doesn’t seem to care about that anymore. And it’s the party that the religious right supports. Such a contradiction.”

— Sherry Underhill, 68, Kendall County

“Sick of it! So fed up how Big $$$ corrupts and pulls the strings on EVERYTHING and with BOTH parties! This two-party system does NOT work!”

— Darrel Gebert

“There is no good answer because chances are you will offend someone with your opinion.”

— Kevin Quinn

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