James Comer Makes Surprise Biden Admission After “Hot Seat” Question

Fox News personality Maria Bartiromo continues to offer House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) her platform — and in return Comer continues, like clockwork, to return to Bartiromo the same promise: that a report from his long investigation into what he calls the “Biden crime family” is forthcoming, and that it will deliver the kind of receipts the President’s enemies are clamoring for.

Comer was on Bartiromo’s microphone again this weekend and when the normally permissive host tried to pin down the Congressman, he wriggled and delivered the same abstract promises that have drawn even the MAGA kingpin Steve Bannon‘s ire.

(Bannon has called out Comer’s investigative futility, his stumbling media appearances, and his general shooting of blanks, slamming the Kentucky Congressman as ineffective. Bannon on Comer in June of 2023: “You have to be prepared. You are not serious. It’s all performative.”)

Over the weekend, Bartiromo asked Comer point blank: “Are you saying that we could expect a criminal referral against Joe Biden for money laundering?” Bartiromo then waits for an answer as Comer equivocates in the same manner Bannon castigated him for a year ago.

Bartiromo: Are you saying that we could expect a criminal referral against Joe Biden for money laundering?

Comer: I think it’s no secret Joe Biden’s committed many crimes, and I think that you’re going to see a report very soon. That report is imminent. pic.twitter.com/v9LPW0ZVnV

— Acyn (@Acyn) June 9, 2024

Saying that “it’s no secret” that Biden has “committed many crimes,” Comer promised “I think you’re going to see a report very soon — that report is imminent.”

Not a Biden fan but “no secret”? yes it is. No trial or evidence yet.

— Richard Turner, ICD.D (@turnerwestvan) June 9, 2024

What will the report say or do? “That’ll probably be an interim report that updates everyone on the crimes that Biden and his administration have committed throughout this investigation and through the years of the Obama-Biden…”

Bartiromo questioned why Comer hasn’t put the relevant parties in the “hot seat” with his subpoena power. In a surprisingly candid response, Comer admitted there is no one left to interview.

“We’ve subpoenaed all the associates,” Comer said. “The only person we haven’t talked to is Joe Biden” — an answer revealing that the Committee has exhausted its witness resources in pursuit of Biden’s alleged criminality.

“Okay,” Bartiromo answered abruptly, appearing to lose — like Bannon — patience with Comer’s continuing to offer innuendo in the place of evidence.

Someday. The check is in the mail. I’ll get it to you soon. Oh, I expect to show our evidence soon. It’s all imminent—just wait and see. You’ll be shocked and startled by all the goods we’ve got: just you hold on for another couple of days. “Tony, I promise! This is just a little…

— Blake Garten (@blakesgarden) June 9, 2024

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