Joe Biden’s terrifying debate performance may finally see him replaced with someone more competent and electable

Gotta go, Joe

HOW can America’s Democrats continue to offer up Joe Biden as their candidate for leader of the free world?

His performance in the TV debate in which Donald Trump trounced him was terrifying, sad and confirmed exactly what his critics have long argued.

RexJoe Biden was trounced by Donald Trump in the TV debate[/caption]

His best answers were rambling and muddled, his worst utter gibberish.

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence,” said Trump — adding, with icy calm and total justification: “I don’t think he knows what he said either.”

It is hard to imagine floating voters, on whom the looming US election will turn, risking Biden and his mental frailty over Trump, despite his scandals.

But Republicans should not pop the champagne corks just yet.

This may finally be enough for the Democrats to replace Biden with someone more competent and electable

And Trump might struggle then.

Booming cheek

OPPOSITION parties have all made the same claim about the Tories.

They want voters to believe we are still engulfed by the chaos of the inflation crisis caused by Putin — and the vanishingly brief Liz Truss era.

It is fiction. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt began righting the finances two years ago. The results are now indisputable.

Yesterday our growth figures were revised up to 0.7 per cent in the first quarter, higher than any other G7 nation and twice the rate in the EU.

So much for Brexit “damaging the economy”, that empty lie parroted by Remoaner headbangers.

Inflation is back down to two per cent.

Living standards are up 2.4 per cent as pay rises outstrip prices.

Mortgages will drop shortly too.

The Left says overall living standards have fallen since 2019 . . . cynically neglecting to mention Covid and war.

None of this is likely to help the Tories.

But if Labour wins power and trumpets some new boom, remember who laid its foundations.

Unclear Keir

COMPLEX problems cannot simply be wished away by Keir Starmer asking everyone to “be kind”.

Some people’s rights negate those of others.

Like letting male-bodied transwomen legally change gender more easily and use women’s safe spaces.

It is not enough for Labour to moan that the issue is “divisive”.

That is obvious to anyone hearing blinkered luvvie David Tennant call women’s rights campaigners “whingeing little f***ers”.

And when Starmer calls for a “respectful” debate, “bringing the country together”, he is spouting twaddle, as a radio caller rightly told him.

Compromises cannot always be found.

As PM, you have to pick a side.

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