Keir Starmer refuses to confirm if David Lammy will be Foreign Secretary after election amid Miliband comeback rumours

SIR Keir Starmer has refused to guarantee David Lammy will be his Foreign Secretary after the General Election.

It fuelled speculation former Foreign Secretary David Miliband could even make a David Cameron-esque comeback.

Keir Starmer has refused to guarantee David Lammy will be his Foreign Secretary after the General Election

Speculation is growing that former Foreign Secretary David Miliband could even make a comeback

Sir Keir Starmer says he is not going to announce anybody who may be in the cabinet if Labour win the election

Asked by the Sun on Sunday “yes or no” if Mr Lammy will keep the top job if he wins next week, Sir Keir said on a visit in Aldershot: “Two things there – one we are working through till 10 o’clock on Thursday because no seat has been won yet. 

“Secondly, nice try, but I’m not going to announce anybody who may be in a cabinet after Thursday if we win – and that goes to the entire cabinet listening in though they may well be.”

Some say the brother of Ed Miliband would be a great foreign secretary but one MP dashed the idea saying they wouldn’t want a peer in the role. 

The former cabinet minister has been spotted out campaigning for Labour in a marginal Tory seat.

Other names circulating include Douglas Alexander, who served in Sir Tony Blair and Gordon Brown’s cabinets, and is running to be an MP in East Lothian. 

Sir Keir is facing questions over whether Mr Lammy will make the cut for one of the most senior jobs in government. 

The Tottenham MP previously voted against the country’s nuclear deterrent and called Donald Trump a Nazi sympathiser. 

In an interview with this newspaper today, Defence Secretary Grant Shapps accused Lammy of “student politics” and said his comments about Trump were “naïve”. 

Mr Lammy has U-turned on his 2016 decision to vote against Trident saying he’s “100 per cent” behind it.

And sources say he has built strong ties with pro-Trump Republicans including his campaign manager Chris La Civita.

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