Labour do not have a solution to small boat crisis – Tories have a plan

WHERE? It’s such a small word but it’s the big question which undermines Labour’s fragile promises on immigration.

Where would all the people that come over here on small boats ultimately go under a Labour government?

GettyKeir Starmer failed to answer how he would tackle the small boats crisis when questioned by the PM in their first TV debate[/caption]

AFPLabour have quietly accepted, hoping you won’t notice, that those who come illegally in small boats will apply for asylum[/caption]

Keir Starmer failed to answer it when questioned by the Prime Minister in their first TV debate.

It’s not because the Labour leader won’t answer it’s because he can’t.

Currently they have quietly accepted, hoping you won’t notice, that those who come illegally in small boats will apply for asylum or they can do as they have before, and the only party to do so, offer thousands of them an amnesty, in order to claim they’ve “reduced a backlog”.

Vowing to stop flights to Rwanda “even if it works” both as a deterrent and a safe destination to send people leaves them with one idea.

A good idea but our idea.

They say they want to ‘smash the gangs’ as if they’ve just thought of it.

They say they’ll do it by having a unit dedicated to doing so.

The problem for them is it already exists.

It’s called the Special Boats Operational Command, led by a former army general liaising with the French and a host of European countries, supported by the National Crime Agency and dedicated to stopping crossings, arresting and prosecuting criminal people smugglers, stopping flows of money, boats and engines across Europe.

What are they going to pledge next, invent the Metropolitan Police to tackle rising crime in Labour-run London?

Rather than coming up with any ideas of their own, they spend most of their time criticising our plans.

A plan that has already shown results.

Yes it’s hard, yes the smugglers change tactics but just as Labour says it will junk Rwanda countries across Europe are realising Rwanda-type schemes are the only way to tackle this global challenge.

We have a clear plan, theirs is as clear as mud.

Today we will launch our manifesto – our fully formed and fully funded commitments for government.

You should expect a vision for cutting migration, both legal and illegal.

Don’t hold your breath for Labour’s though.

We already know they have no plan for immigration which means open borders, free reign for the smuggling gangs and more and more illegal migrants.

The choice is clear on 4th July – Britain as the migration soft-touch capital of the world under Labour or secure borders under the Conservatives.

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