Letter: Trump missed opportunities to persuade voters and I’m disappointed in that

Kamala Harris was asked at the start “Are Americans better off now than they were four years ago?” and she could not answer the question.

She’s knows the answer that they are not.

She has had 3 1/2 years to do what she said she wants to do.

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Why hasn’t she done that now? She exhibited pat, memorized set piece answers. That is a concern.

The ABC moderators should never have put themselves into the mix, debating the debators.

Trump would have done well not to attack her lack of record in his closing statements, but instead concentrate on what he would do.

My simple response would have been, “You saw what I did in my last administration, and you know I can do it again.  I will, I promise you, make America great again.”

Keep it simple. But he did not do that, and I am disappointed in that.

Trying to keep it real.

— Roger Olsen, Burbank

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