Moment Nigel Farage clashes with protesters & screams back ‘boring’ after being heckled at Reform press conference

NIGEL Farage has been heckled during his first speech as an MP – with protestors yelling “you don’t represent the working class”.

The Reform leader then yelled back “boring” repeatedly as protestors were hauled out.

Nigel Farage has been heckled during his first speech as MP

Nigel Farage glared at protesters as he tried to make his first speech as an MP

One protester yelled at the new MP, before security rushed in

Sky NewsSeven protestors were hauled from the building[/caption]

ReutersOne of the hecklers kept yelling as he was escorted out[/caption]

Farage had been set to make his first public address this afternoon in London.

But as he started speaking, a group of seven started to heckle him.

One man could be seen pointing at Farage as he yelled: “You don’t represent the working class.”

A small group of people quickly swarmed the man, and started to guide him out.

But the man wasn’t alone – seven protesters had to dragged from the hall.

Once the group were out, Farage said he was going to “professionalise” and “democratise” the party.

He then addressed the protesters: “Those few bad apples that have crept in will be long gone and we will never have any of their type back in our organisation”.

Farage repeatedly yelled back “boring” as the protesters were hauled from the room.

Reform leader Farage was elected in Clacton, winning a UK parliamentary seat at his eighth attempt.

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