Nikki Haley Accuses Biden of “Starting a Fire”

Former South Carolina Governor, US Ambassador to the United Nations and GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley, who repeatedly reminded Republican voters that former President Donald Trump imperiled the economy with debt when he was in the White House, recently declared that she will vote for Trump this election year.

[Note: Before suspending her campaign in February, Haley said that Trump had surrounded himself with a political elite “that have spent like drunken sailors, they’ve raided social security, and they continue to waste taxpayer dollars. Everybody talks about the economy when Trump was President, he put us $8 trillion in debt in just four years, 25% of that was COVID.”]

This is like starting a fire and then taking credit for putting it out.

Inflation is up almost 20% since Biden took office.

— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) June 13, 2024

This week, when President Joe Biden admitted that “prices are still too high, but today’s report shows welcome progress on lowering inflation, which was zero on a monthly basis in May,” Haley responded: “This is like starting a fire and then taking credit for putting it out. Inflation is up almost 20% since Biden took office.”

Inflation has been “caused by a combination of factors, including supply-chain disruptions, government stimulus payments [during Covid] and surging demand for goods and services,” asserts Marketwatch in an article that examines the many ways consumers and voters misunderstand the causes of — and who is responsible for — inflation.

Inflation is also a global phenomenon and Biden makes the case that cooling inflation is more under control in the U.S. under than in most other industrial countries.

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