‘The ground was vibrating’ says mum who hunted for iPhone after crafty fox buried it in her garden

A THIEVING fox took a hairdresser’s lost mobile phone and buried it in a neighbour’s garden.

The sly critter pounced after Helen Price un­wittingly dropped her iPhone as she got out of her car.

A cheeky fox picked up a dropped phone and buried it in a neighbour’s gardenAlamy

It carried the handset down the road and buried it ten inches down among the shrubbery.

For two days, mum-of-one Helen, 59, was hunting high and low, even calling her hairdressing clients to see if they had it.

Eventually, she used her Find My iPhone feature to trace it.

She said: “The ground was vibrating whenever I called.

“I could see the soil was fresh so I started digging with my hands.

“The leather case was chewed and the attached lanyard ripped apart. It must have been stolen and buried by a fox.”

When Helen wrote about it on social media, neighbours replied with their tales of the robber reynard — blaming it for running off with dog harnesses, toys and even shoes.

Helen said: “It’s a right hoodlum.”

The lost phone was eventually recovered thanks to an online tracking app

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