Warning Starmer ‘super majority’ risks ‘one-party socialist state with horrific consequences’ for Britain

A KEIR Starmer super-majority would leave Britain “sleepwalking into a one-party socialist state”, a former minister blasted.

Ex-Attorney General Sir Geoffrey Cox warned handing Labour a crushing victory on July 4 would give self-described socialist Sir Keir “untrammelled power” to do whatever he wants.

A Sir Keir Starmer ‘super majority’ could leave the UK close to a “one-party socialist state”

Starmer faced his toughest grilling yet and stuttered at times on Sky News

Ex-Tory MP Sir Geoffrey told the BBC: “If you believe the polls… we are sleepwalking into a one-party socialist state.

“The consequences would be horrific, not just for the Conservative Party and for the country, but also for Labour because having an opposition is important.”

“We would be facing a government with untrammelled power

“And it’s a wake-up call. It doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. It needn’t happen. 

“We’ve got three weeks to go, and we have to fight with every fibre of our beings to prevent it.”

It comes as Starmer was grilled on if voters could trust him in a Sky News leaders special, before stammering as he tried to shoot down claims he was “stiff” and “robotic”.

The Labour chief was also pinned down on his prior support for Jeremy Corbyn, after we revealed footage of him praising the ex-leader’s manifesto despite using it as a slur against the Conservatives.

He revealed: “I was certain that we would lose the 2019 election. I did campaign for Labour, of course I did.

“I wanted good colleagues returned into the Labour Party.”

In a snap poll published straight after the end of the interviews, Keir came out on top with 64 per cent of viewers saying he performed better compared to 36 per cent who backed PM Rishi Sunak.

The latest warning followed two senior Tories speaking out against the prospect of a Starmer supermajority larger than Tony Blair’s 179-seat landslide in 1997.

Rising star Miriam Cates – whose Penistone seat is now a Labour target – told our Never Mind The Ballots show that electing Sir Keir with more than 400 MPs would make him Blair “on steroids”.

She blasted: “Very, very large majorities are not necessarily good for democracy.”

“People can vote how they want to vote, and they should do – it’s completely up to them.

“They shouldn’t be frightened by the prospect of one party having a particular majority when they go to the polls.

“I do think it’s a fair warning, particularly to Nigel Farage, actually, that if we had an enormous Labour majority, they would embed all sorts of things in our political system, in our constitution like Blair did.

And Foreign Secretary Grant Shapps added: “You want to make sure that in this next government, whoever forms it, that there’s a proper system of accountability.

“You don’t want to have somebody receive a super majority.

“And in this case, of course, the concern would be that if Keir Starmer were to go into No.10 and that power was in some way unchecked.

Yesterday some critics said the remarks amounted to a quiet admission that the Tories were too far behind in the polls to pull off a miracle comeback win.

But Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron today declared that talking about opinion polls is “time wasted” – insisting the only poll that matters will be on July 4.

He told Times Radio: “I remember fighting the election in 2015 and people said I didn’t have a chance.

“And we were behind in the polls and we kept going and we had a clear plan, we had a strong team, and we came through and won the election.

“So anything is possible.

“During elections, time spent talking about opinion polls is just time completely wasted because you don’t know whether they are right.

“I don’t know whether they are right and we will find out in 21 days.”

“I believe anything can happen.”

Ex-Attorney General Sir Geoffrey Cox warned a Starmer landslide would give him ‘untrammelled power’PA:Press Association

ANALYSIS: Stuff of nightmares

By Ryan Sabey, Deputy Political Editor

Labour winning a ‘super majority’ at the election is giving the Tory party nightmares.

Sir Keir Starmer could be heading back to the Commons with a majority of 416 seats if one weekend poll is to be believed.

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps says he fears there could a real lack of accountability from other parties if they are destroyed.

The Tories have described this as a “blank cheque” approach which would allow Labour to pass whatever legislation they want.

Polling has shown the Tories could win less than 100 seats and this could mean they won’t be an effective opposition.

There could literally not be enough people to fill all the shadow positions for the next Tory leader.

Miriam Cates says Labour may even create “constitutional vandalism” by being given such a majority.

She fears a new Labour government would take even more power out of the hands of Westminster and giving it to technocrats and the civil service if given the chance.

The talk of a super majority also speaks to another predicament the Tories find themselves in.

Concern is growing within Tory circles that they will receive an almighty hiding from the electorate on July 4.

Look at how the language has changed in recent weeks.

Rishi Sunak told The Sun at the start of the campaign that he was eyeing up an election win and England would win the Euros.

That now seems like a pipedream.

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps has been touring the TV and radio stations this morning telling voters not to hand Sir Keir Starmer a “blank cheque”.

He told the public that Labour shouldn’t be given “unchecked” power especially when their plans are vague.

He put on a brave face telling Times Radio saying there was still “everything to fight for”.

The seats both parties have been visiting tell their own story.

On Monday, I visited Horsham in West Sussex, which has a 21,000 Tory majority.

Sir Keir Starmer has visited Monmouthshire which features way down the list of Labour target seats.

For Labour are on the attack and for the Tories it appears to be a damage limitation exercise.

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