‘We’re fighting for our babies’ home,’ says mum-of-6 being evicted by council as she fumes ‘we’ll be left on the street’

A MUM-OF-SIX cried ‘we’re fighting for our babies’ home’ as she slammed council jobsworths for evicting them.

Kathleen Moloney is living in fear her family will be “left on the streets” after authorities launched a cracked down on caravan site Crompton Lodge in Bolton, Lancashire.

SWNSKathleen claimed up to 40 people could face homelessness[/caption]

SWNSKathleen Moloney is terrified she will be left out on the streets with her six kids[/caption]

SWNSOfficials claim the caravan site has been ‘causing nuisance’ with crime escalating[/caption]

The community have resided there for two decades but Bolton Council now plans to shut down the area due to “escalating violence and criminality“.

Now ‘Irish traveller’ Kathleen, protective mum over her children aged six, eight, 11, 12, 17 and 21, claimed they are being “cut off” in violation of their “human rights”.

Due to repeated hostility, council employees and contractors are unable to visit without a police escort, and this is no longer sustainable

Bolton Council

She told how around 40 people, including her elderly uncle, are now battling the prospect of being homeless.

Kathleen said: “I’ve been at that site for 20 years – my four babies were born there, and now they want to shut the place down.

“It’s about our human rights – we’re just being cut off.

“We’re going to have to live on the streets.

“We’ve got to fight for this place because it’s our home – all our babies are here.

“It’s not just about plots and static homes – it’s about the women and kids having to leave their homes.

“My eldest has a heart condition – having to deal with all of this is the last thing I need.”

The mum-of-six blasted Bolton Council for making the whole community suffer rather than targeting those committing crimes.

“They’re saying there’s been crime on the site,” she continued.

“It feels like they’re saying there’s crime in our community.

“But it can’t be true – if there were guns on our home address, why wasn’t it closed down years ago.

“Why weren’t social services taking our kids?”

Meanwhile, Bolton Council claimed the community had been “causing nuisance” for years.

Officials submitted an application to shut down the site on Tuesday.

I’ve been at that site for 20 years – my four babies were born there, and now they want to shut the place down

Kathleen Moloney

They allege violence has escalated over the past six months, including drugs, stolen goods and guns being hidden in local toilet facilities.

A police liaison officer was also assaulted, according to the council.

A closure order was finally submitted at Manchester Magistrates’ Court.

If granted, anyone living on the site without a tenancy will be forced to pack their bags.

While those with the correct paperwork will be supported by the authority and it is understood those affected have been offered accommodation.

Kathleen explained how eviction notices were plastered on caravans yesterday which sparked uproar.


A Bolton Council spokesperson said: “As a council, we fully recognise our statutory duty to make provisions for the traveller community.

“However, we have now reached a point where it is no longer possible to safely maintain and run this site, despite a number of joint interventions over many years.

“Due to repeated hostility, council employees and contractors are unable to visit without a police escort, and this is no longer sustainable.

“We are now seeking a closure order for Crompton Lodge, including for those that are legally tenanted to live there, so we can regain control of the site and make it safe and secure for the local community.”

SWNSBolton Council are in the process of shutting down Crompton Lodge in Bolton, Lancashire[/caption]

SWNSThe council alleged members of the community had been storing drugs, firearms and stolen goods in toilets[/caption]

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