When our dad died at 43 I became a ‘father’ to my four siblings, says The Sun on Sunday’s World’s Best Dad

HE was only 20 when his dad suddenly died, but Daniel Welch knew he wanted to step up and be the father figure for his four younger siblings.

So the young welder moved back home to give his brother and sisters the same “stability, love and support” he had received from their dad growing up.

Louis Wood News Group Newspapers LtdDaniel Welch knew he wanted to step up and be the father figure for his four younger siblings after their father died[/caption]

Daniel, second from left, with dad Richard, left, Sianne, Luke, Kirsty, mum Candy and Bethanysupplied

Daniel’s dad Richard was 43 when he took his own life after losing his jobsupplied

Louis Wood News Group Newspapers LtdDaniel with sister Kirsty – who nominated her big brother for our title, which comes with nearly £3,000 of prizes[/caption]

Louis Wood News Group Newspapers LtdKirsty said: ‘Dads come in all sorts of shapes and sizes — and Daniel is a very special one’[/caption]

It is a role he has continued to play for 30 years — and today he has been named The Sun on Sunday’s World’s Best Dad.

Fighting back tears, Daniel, 50, told us: “Family is everything to me. We were always a very close family and Dad was a role model to me.

“Dad had been a brilliant father so I wanted to give my brother and sisters what I’d had growing up — stability, support and love.

“There were five of us kids and Mum left behind when he died. So I picked up the slack.

“I didn’t want them to miss out, and through the years I’ve continued to look after them as best I can.

“I’m beyond chuffed at winning. I’ve never won anything before.”

Daniel’s dad Richard was 43 when he took his own life after losing his job.

He also left behind wife Candy, then 42, two-year-old Bethany, Luke, nine, Sianne, 15, and 18-year-old Kirsty.

It was Kirsty who nominated her big brother for our title, which comes with nearly £3,000 of prizes.

Kirsty, now 49, of Bradfield, Essex, said: “Dads come in all sorts of shapes and sizes — and Daniel is a very special one.

“He’s an amazing person and, without him, things would have been very different for us.

“Daniel was just 20 when Dad died, but he stepped up and became an amazing father figure.

“Life hasn’t been easy. The loss is always with you.

“But Daniel is still looking after us all these decades later.

“He gave me away when I got married, guided all of us on our first cars and gave us relationship advice — although I didn’t always listen!”
Kirsty says that Daniel, from Harwich, Essex, has been their “rock” throughout their entire lives.

Just three years after their dad died, Sianne was diagnosed with a rare form of skin cancer and passed away two years later, aged 20.

‘Amazing person’

Daniel said: “Overnight our world fell apart when Dad died.

“Back then mental health wasn’t spoken about and he didn’t give any ­indication of how bad things were for him.

“I was the one that found him and I was with Sianne when she took her last breath.

“Last week was the 26th anniversary of her death, so it’s really poignant that winning this prize has happened now.

“I’d like to think my dad and my sister are looking down on us.”

Daniel went on to work in railway safety, but quit that role to care for his own son Ethan, now 20, when he was diagnosed with autism and ADHD.

Daniel stepped up when our world fell apart and is still looking after us decades later. He’s amazing

Sister Kirsty

As well as caring for Ethan and daughter Yasmin, 21, a fashion student, he still looks after his siblings.

He said: “Just a few weeks ago, I did a dad role when Kirsty’s car wouldn’t start. She rang me and within ten minutes I was there. Now her children are starting to call me up as well.”

Kirsty says that Daniel has all the kindness that she remembers their father had.

She told us: “He is the mirror image of our dad in terms of his kindness. He made sure there was food on the table, he took the younger ones to school.

“In the early days he even helped change nappies and he’s just always been there.

“He has always supported me and, whenever we call him, he is there for us.

“He’s our world. I’m so proud of him and he’s definitely the world’s best dad in our eyes.”

Daniel’s prizes include an Orbi 960 Series wifi system worth £1,400; an app-controlled Char-Broil Evolve barbecue worth £750; a £570 6x4ft shed from B&Q; a year’s supply of Proper Job IPA from Cornish brewery St Austell; and a £250 voucher for outdoor clothing suppliers tog24.com.


BRITAIN’S top TV dad is beer-loving bozo Homer Simpson, a Freesat poll has revealed.

Del Boy from Only Fools And Horses was second, followed by Jim Royle of The Royle Family.

Meanwhile, Mafia boss Tony Soprano, from The Sopranos, came in at    an unlikely ninth.

   Homer Simpson (The Simpsons) 22%
   Del Boy (Only Fools And Horses) 19%
   Jim Royle (The Royle Family) 12%
   Peter Griffin (Family Guy) 12%
   Ben Harper (My Family) 8%
   Phil Banks (Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air) 7%
   Hal Wilkerson (Malcolm In The Middle) 6%
   Ken Barlow (Coronation Street) 6%
   Tony Soprano (The Sopranos) 5%
Phil Dunphy (Modern Family) 3%


DADS have voted 1972 Mafia classic The Godfather, starring ­Marlon Brando, their top movie.

That was ­followed by 2001 epic The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring, with 1986 blockbuster Top Gun starring Tom Cruise coming in third in the survey for ­Showcase Cinemas.

  The Godfather 25%
   The Lord Of The Rings 17%
   Top Gun 13%
   Star Wars 12%
   The Shawshank Redemption 10%
   Goldfinger 6%
   Gladiator 5%
   Men In Black 5%
   From Russia With Love 4%
Raiders Of The Lost Ark 3%

You’re Not Alone

EVERY 90 minutes in the UK a life is lost to suicide

It doesn’t discriminate, touching the lives of people in every corner of society – from the homeless and unemployed to builders and doctors, reality stars and footballers.

It’s the biggest killer of people under the age of 35, more deadly than cancer and car crashes.

And men are three times more likely to take their own life than women.

Yet it’s rarely spoken of, a taboo that threatens to continue its deadly rampage unless we all stop and take notice, now.

That is why The Sun launched the You’re Not Alone campaign.

The aim is that by sharing practical advice, raising awareness and breaking down the barriers people face when talking about their mental health, we can all do our bit to help save lives.

Let’s all vow to ask for help when we need it, and listen out for others… You’re Not Alone.

If you, or anyone you know, needs help dealing with mental health problems, the following organisations provide support:

CALM, www.thecalmzone.net, 0800 585 858
Heads Together,www.headstogether.org.uk
HUMEN www.wearehumen.org
Mind, www.mind.org.uk, 0300 123 3393
Papyrus, www.papyrus-uk.org, 0800 068 41 41
Samaritans,www.samaritans.org, 116 123

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