‘Where will you send them!’ Keir Starmer heckled over migrant crisis in Sun election showdown

SIR Keir Starmer was blasted over his plans to beat the small boats crisis in The Sun’s election showdown tonight.

The Labour leader was heckled by an audience member on where illegal migrants will go if he is elected.

Rishi Sunak has accused Sir Keir of not having a plan to deter migrants from coming to the UK

The SunSir Keir faced tough questions from our readers on his plan to tackle small boats[/caption]

The SunReaders asked where he would send illegal migrants if he bins the Rwanda policy[/caption]

The topic of migration dominated tonight’s debate with both leaders pushed on how they would tackle soaring numbers of migrants coming to the UK illegally.

After he said he would put migrants on planes back to where they came from, frustrated audience member Boris shouted: “You’re still not going to stop the boats!”

Another member of audience asked: “They arrive and they have destroyed their passports and identification documents so they cannot be processed. So where are you going to send them to if you don’t know where they’ve come from?”

In response, Sir Keir said: “Of course it’s difficult, of course you’ve got to establish where people come from. But you can return people to their country of origin.

“In very many cases, the number being returned has gone down 44 per cent. We need to address that. But the most important thing, in my view, is stopping people coming in the first place.”

In our election showdown clash tonight:

Rishi Sunak claimed “Keir Starmer won’t tell you what he’s going to do” – because you won’t like it

The PM said he’s “incredibly angry” about the Tory election betting scandal

Keir Starmer was hammered by Sun readers over Jeremy Corbyn but heaped praise on Boris Johnson

The Labour leader saw his plans to beat the small boats crisis blasted by hecklers

Starmer insisted he will meet with JK Rowling to thrash out trans and gender rights in a bombshell statement

Sunak claimed that he was one of the first to raise the alarm on Liz Truss’s plans in 2022

Sir Keir Starmer called the Rwanda policy an “expensive gimmick” and claimed people from countries such as Bangladesh aren’t being removed to their home nations under the Tories.

Audience members nodded as the Labour leader said the ongoing small boats crisis is a potential national security risk, because the UK “needs to know” who is coming to the UK.

Rishi Sunak accused him of not having a proper plan to deal with illegal migration at our election showdown tonight.

Sunak told Sun readers there is a clear choice for voters on July 4 when it comes to dealing with illegal migration.

He said that those who have been detained as part of his Rwanda scheme will either be sent on flights out of the country if he wins or will be released onto our streets if Labour win at the ballots.

Sunak told Sun readers there is a clear choice for voters on July 4 when it comes to dealing with illegal migration.

He said that those who have been detained as part of his Rwanda scheme will either be sent on flights out of the country if he wins or will be released onto our streets if Labour win at the ballots.

Rishi Sunak tonight claimed illegal migrants are “queuing up in Calais waiting for a Labour government” as he was grilled by our readers in The Sun’s election showdown.

Pushed on the fact that no flights have taken off to Rwanda since the policy was announced in 2022, he said: “What have I done every time when someone has tried to block it… I’ve kept going.

“I put new laws on the table. We’ve passed those laws to deal with Albania, but this is about the future.

“I’ve got a plan. If you think this is if you think this is an issue… I’ve not heard from anyone an alternative plan.”

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