As an irredeemable deplorable, topped off with garbage compliments of Joe, I note the following:
Civility has not been a mark of either party. The difference is that Trump aims at individuals from Rosie O’Donnell to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden who have platforms from which to fight back. The contrast is that the Dems aim at Trump supporters as noted above.
I think the worst was the Obamas coming out of their redoubt in Martha’s Vineyard with Obama chastising Black males as misogynists if they didn’t vote for Kamala. Then Michelle telling women that they, their daughters and granddaughters would die like dogs if they weren’t given unlimited right to destroy the enemy within their body.
That’s far from the secondary effect teaching of Catholic Church on a woman’s life in danger. I have never heard the advocates of my body, my choice state when an unborn child has standing for a right to life. California Penal Code 187 on murder recognizes the right of a “fetus” to life if truncated by a third party. It obviously depends on who does the killing.
I have a series of caps which I must wear outside per orders from my dermatologist so I amuse myself with my Trump cap, my Deplorable cap, my Fascist cap and now I need a Gabarge cap. I have never gotten a negative comment, at least to my face, but have received compliments.
I consider the Democrats insidious turning us into alphabet soup dividing and conquering with alphabet soup rather than e pluribus unum. Ridicule only appeals to cool kids on coasts and the college towns and totalitarians.
Maybe I should get Trump freak cap.
Mary Emily Smiley, Lawndale
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