Is Donald Trump having an emotional or physical affair with Laura Loomer?

Laura Loomer is one of those absolute nutcases I try very hard to ignore. She is a ball of Nazi chaos who feeds on attention. She tries very hard to present herself as a far-right provocateur, when really, she’s just a garden-variety racist troll with a very specific grift. Well, over the past week, Loomer has suddenly been part of Donald Trump’s clique. They’ve known each other for a while, and Loomer is currently trying to position herself as the Jigsaw-faced Melania replacement of Bigly’s dreams. No one really knows how and why Loomer is suddenly in Trump’s circle of trust, but there are suspicions of elder abuse and blowy jays.

Last week, Trump brought Loomer to the 9/11 Memorial, which is pretty gross considering she’s spent years pushing 9/11 conspiracies. She’s also recently ramped up some disgusting and racist attacks on “DEI hires” and Kamala Harris. Loomer said publicly that if Kamala Harris is elected president, the White House will smell like curry.” Well, you know how JD Vance is married to an Indian-American woman? They asked Vance about Loomer’s presence around Trump:

Sen. JD Vance told NBC News’ “Meet the Press” on Sunday that “I don’t like those comments” when asked about far-right activist Laura Loomer’s remarks about Vice President Kamala Harris last week.

Loomer drew widespread condemnation from Republicans and Democrats alike last week for posting on social media that the White House “will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center” if Harris wins the presidential election.

“What Laura said about Kamala Harris is not what we should be focused on. We should be focused on the policy and on the issues,” Vance, former President Donald Trump’s running mate, told moderator Kristen Welker.

After fielding questions from Welker about whether the comments offended Vance and his wife, who is Indian American, the Ohio Republican said he doesn’t “look at the internet for every single thing to get offended by.”

The GOP vice presidential nominee added, “I make a mean chicken curry, [but] I don’t think that it’s insulting for anybody to talk about their dietary preferences or what they want to do in the White House.”

[From NBC News]

Vance’s response is disgusting. Not surprising, considering this is the same man who said and did nothing when white nationalist MAGA supporters were targeting harassment on Usha and their three children.

As for Loomer and the campaign… MAGAville is unsettled that yet another wackjob has her hooks in Trump. One Trump ally told NBC: “She has to go. Laura Loomer cannot stay. She just can’t. She is unapologetic. This woman attacked the vice president of the United States in such a racist manner. It was appalling and she hasn’t apologized.”

Even beyond the fact that Loomer is an absolute nutcase, there’s the whole “are they having an affair” issue which, frankly, is being widely gossiped about online, but there’s barely any reporting on it. Trump is a married man – his wife despises him, but still – and he’s flying his likely Nazi mistress around the country. She’s also indiscreetly telling people about their sexual relationship. This should all be a much bigger deal in like twenty different ways.

Things are getting interesting in Trump world

— Brett Meiselas (@BMeiselas) September 14, 2024

Photos courtesy of YouTube, MSNBC.

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