Parents’ fury as school builds ‘prison fences’ to stop pupils using toilets and only opens them ‘when demand is high’

A SCHOOL has been compared to a prison for putting up metal barriers to stop pupils entering the toilets.

Herne Bay High, a mixed academy in Kent, drew fire from mums after a picture of the fence was posted on Facebook.

Pictured: The fence keeping pupils out of the toilet at Herne Bay High

WESSEX NEWS AGENCYHerne Bay High School drew fire after a picture of the fence was posted on Facebook[/caption]

Principal Jon Boyes said the gate has only been installed in one set of toilets and is among measures to ensure the safety and well-being of pupils.

One mother, who did not want to be named, told The Sun: “I think it’s absolutely disgusting they’ve done this.

“I feel for the kids that will need to use the toilet in an emergency and can’t get to it, because I can guarantee there will not be a staff member stood there for 6+ hours a day.

“If parents did something like this in their own homes due to children’s ‘behaviour’ we’d be in serious trouble.”

Other parents slammed the metal barrier as an “absolute joke” and “ridiculous”.

One said: “What if a child desperately needs the toilet. What if they become ill during day and can’t get to the loo. Imagine the embarrassment.”

Mary Deamer said: “Some kids have weak bladders and they aren’t animals to be caged in.”

Camille Belsey said: “Our children are not animals. If they need to use the toilet they should be allowed at any time of the day.”

Malcolm Ganderton wrote: “It is more bureaucratic madness in a school that has some very strange ideas.”

Another family member of pupils who attend the school told The Sun that one particular concern among parents is that when young girls are on their period they will not have easy access to a toilet.

She added: “Not only this, but they also will no longer have the privacy of taking their sanitary products with them in their school bag out of view of other students as bags are now no longer allowed in to the toilets.

“This means girls now have the embarrassment of having to take out their sanitary products from their school bags in-front of other students if they need to use the toilet during lesson.

“Females need immediate access to a toilet when they are on their period, but the school have failed to recognise or take this into consideration as girls are now expected to join a long queue which might be on the opposite side of the school to them!”

The concerned family member said that students say that attending the school “feels like being in a prison”.

She added: “The Principal has been clever and somewhat manipulative with his wording.

“Yes these are the only toilets that have a great big yellow metal barrier going across them, but what he forgets to also mention is that all the other toilets have been locked during lessons apart from one in the pastoral centre that is being supervised by a member of staff.

“The school state students with a toilet pass can still access toilets, but how is this possible if they are all locked?”

Herne Bay High told The Sun: “During lessons, students can use toilets whenever they require in our pastoral centre; they do not require a pass to do this.

“These toilets are staffed at all times to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students.

“All students have been made aware of this information through assemblies.

“Any child on our school roll with a medical condition has free access to toilets and specialist medical facilities at any time during the day and is not impacted by this set of toilets being shut.

“The toilets in the photograph are only one set of many toilets on our site.

“They are open and staffed at break and lunchtime when demand is high.

“We have had 3 parents contact us directly about this and the overwhelming feedback from parents on-line has been supportive of the school for taking these measures.”

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