Bridge: Sept. 9, 2024

“When is the bit about ‘old enough to know better’ supposed to kick in?” a club player asked me. “I’ve played for years and still make errors I could avoid.”

My friend was declarer at today’s five diamonds. West led the jack of clubs.

“I took the ace,” declarer said, “and led the jack of hearts. East won, cashed his ace of trumps and led a second trump. I won, took the K-A of spades, ruffed a spade, ruffed a heart in dummy and ruffed a spade. Dummy’s fifth spade was good, but I couldn’t get back to cash it. I lost another heart and went down. I guess I’m not at the required age yet.”


Anyone of any age can lose a makeable contract if he plays too fast and lacks a plan. After South wins the first trick, he must start the spades: king, ace, spade ruff. He then concedes a heart.

If East wins and leads the ace and a low trump, South wins in dummy, ruffs a spade and ruffs a heart. He can pitch his last heart on the fifth spade.

This week: setting up a suit.


You hold: S 8 3 H A Q 4 D A 5 C K 10 9 8 6 3. You open one club, and your partner responds one heart. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: Expert opinion would vary. Some would rebid two clubs with the six-card suit, not unreasonably. Many would agree with my choice: a raise to two hearts. If partner next tries for game by bidding two spades or 2NT, you will bid three clubs to suggest a minimum hand with only three hearts and club length.

North dealer

Both sides vulnerable


S A 9 7 6 2


D J 3 2

C A Q 7 2


S Q 10 5 4

H K 10 8 7 3 2

D 8

C J 5


S 8 3

H A Q 4

D A 5

C K 10 9 8 6 3



H 9 6 5

D K Q 10 9 7 6 4

C 4

North East South West
1 S 2 C 2 D 2 H
3 D 3 H 5 D All Pass
Opening lead — C J

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